
Sunday, September 13, 2009

Some more Steampunk Sarah from AI!

Hello! Hope you all have had a great weekend!  Today  I made another card with the new Steampunk Sarah set from Artful INKables.  I think she is so cute and sassy!  I stamped her on kraft and colored her with my prisma pencils.  The DP is Basic Grey's Marrakech collection.  The card base and ribbon are Dusty Durango.  I used chocolate chip to mat the image and behind the ribbon.  I added some pewter brads to the propeller and the gears at the bottom.  
Make Sure you check back on Monday for an AI blog hop.  You will see some fabulous projects from the DT with this months new releases!  You will not want to miss them!


  1. Emily this is AWESOME!!!! Great card and colors!!!

  2. Super cute, Emily! I bought some Kraft CS a couple of years ago and forgot about it - ooooh, can't wait to pull it out now!!!

  3. Sooo cute! I REALLY want this stamp set!!

  4. Emily this is so cute. She does have a spunkiness to her. Great job...I love your blog background..

  5. Super cute card. Love the image. Thanks for joining us at SSDS!

  6. Thanks for joining us at SSDS for the color challenge! I love the stamp you used and the blue patterned paper is fabulous!!! Hope you can join us again for other challenges =)

  7. I love the propeller you made...great cute card.

  8. wow great job thanks for joining SSDS

  9. OMGosh, she is cute!!!! ooohhh I'm thinking I have to check these out, lol. Great job on the card. I love it and your coloring is awesome. Thanks for joining us this week at SSDS. :-)


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